Man Down, dude.
I couldn't do this without posting anything from the Tilt Mode videos.
I wasn't able to get a copy of "Tilt Mode", so when "Man Down" was about to come out, I made sure I had enough money saved up to get it the moment I saw it for sale.
I'm pretty sure I watched "Man Down" everyday for months after it came out.
Looking back on it now, though, I don't know why I did. Skateboarding's not supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be about who's better than who, it's about going big, and about who's got the freshest gear.
But, since I watched this stupid video so much growing up, I guess I'll post some of "favorite" parts.
Jerry Hsu:
Louie Barletta:
Marc Johnson:
*If you don't get the forced sarcasm here, you are truly an idiot. This was one of the most influential videos for me growing up. I mean, some of my favorite skaters? Memorable parts? Friends having fun? San Jose? Dude. Bro. This was my shit!
**I also tried to get lower quality videos because I watched this on VHS over and over and over again back in the day, so audio and video wasn't the best of quality, at least compared to today's standards. But all the Marc Johnson videos I found were pretty good quality. Whatever. Yee!

Just so we're up to speed...
Work's kept me busy/exhausted for the past few days, so now that it's the weekend, time to start it off with right.
Modus Operandi, what?
Marc Johnson's part:
Mike Carroll's part:
And Brian Anderson's part:

Gonz getting kicked out of everywhere, too.
I've always been a huge fan of Mark Gonzales, and this video part still stokes me out to this day.
Mark Gonzales' part from the Real video, "Kicked Out Of Everywhere".