Call me old fashioned. But, if I'm going to spend money on music, if at all possible, I'd much rather spend my money on something tangible, something I can actually feel.
Music is to be listened to, of course - that's kind of what makes music, well, music; what differentiates it from other forms of art - such as film, for example - is that you experience music purely through sound.
Although the term "purely" still doesn't seem quite right.
Music, just like any other type of art, is not just something you sense, but something you experience. You may hear music, or look at a photo; but, if it matters, if the art means anything at all, you FEEL it; not necessarily in the physical sense (although that could definitely be part of it, possibly even the main point, in some cases), but in the metaphysical sense, at the very least. Good music, or good art in general, affects ("touches") you in a way that makes you think, feel, even act.
So, if some material object that's meant to accompany the music I'm paying for, such as a record, a CD, a booklet, album artwork and/or photos, or a lyric sheet, can help me more fully experience what the artist was trying to convey, why wouldn't I want to spend my hard-earned money on something like that?